5 Questions To Ask Before Buying Jewellery For A Man

Women love Jewellery, that’s no secret, BUT, as it turns out, there are a lot of men that also have quite a weakness for some bling!

While men’s indulgences are generally thought of as being limited to automobiles, gadgets and watches – an item of fine jewellery is certainly something men of good taste like to sport, especially at special occasions like weddings and festivities. And why not, in a country where gold is a must-have for every celebration – why should women have all the fun?

If you’re thinking of gifting a man jewellery – think no more, we’re here to help! With our tips and advice, you are sure to make your dad, brother, husband or fiancé extremely happy with your thoughtful gesture!
If you’re confused about where to start, remember that buying jewellery for a man is no different By answering or simply thinking over these questions, you’ll have a much clearer idea of what to gift a man, and you’ll do it with confidence


Question 1

What type of job does he have?
A lot of men wear jewellery on a daily basis, and it is really important in that case that the ornament you gift doesn’t interfere with his job, office attire or his activities. For instance, if he has a desk job then most pieces of jewellery should be fine. But if he does a lot of work with his hands – for instance if he’s a chef, then you may want to stay away from rings or bracelet. Similarly, if his job involves being in close contacts with chemicals – like in a lab or even on a factory floor, you may want to stay away from gifting precious stones, pearls or silver, as they may tarnish easily.

Question 2

What’s his sense of fashion like?
This says a lot about what type of jewellery will appeal to him. If he isn’t into fashion, or doesn’t set a store by shopping or dressing up then you need to be especially careful, and select very muted pieces. Experimenting or picking out something bold is simply not going to work in this case. A man who enjoys dressing up will be a lot more flexible with his jewellery choices, and may welcome a slightly ‘blingy’ piece. A good rule of thumb is to observe how long he takes to get dressed and how much effort or thought he puts into it. If it takes him no more than five minutes, you need to pick very minimalistic pieces. If he takes a decent amount of time (fifteen minutes or more) you can certainly experiment.

Question 3

How often does he wear jewellery?
Some men wear jewellery on a daily basis, some only wear it on special occasions. Still others have their own combinations and conveniences. It’s important you understand this before you purchase something for him. If he wears jewellery on a daily basis you can pick from a broader range, since he will most likely enjoy wearing all types of jewellery. So you can choose from rings, chains, bracelets or even gold watches or cuff links. If he wears jewellery only occasionally, then he is probably only comfortable with certain types of ornaments, or doesn’t like wearing certain types. You need to notice what he wears, and gift him something similar. Deviating from his favourites or what he is used to may not work out so well.

Question 4

What are his interests?
When it comes to precious gifts, you need not restrict yourself only to jewellery. Be a little creative! It only shows how much effort you’ve put into your gift and how well you know him. Does he like to read or write? How about a gold pen? Or better, a gold embossed journal? Does he enjoy sports? Why not gift him a miniature gold replica of his favourite sports gear? How about a pair of gold rimmed spectacles? And of course, you can never go wrong when gold or silver cuff-links, tie pins or even watches – all of which make excellent gifts even for men who don’t like wearing jewellery. A trip to your trusted jeweller is all it will take to explain to them what you need and have it custom-made. It certainly speaks volumes about how special you think he is!

Question 5

What are his religious beliefs?
Even men who aren’t into jewellery will certainly appreciate the beauty of an Om pendant or a miniature image of their favourite deity decked out in golden splendour. In fact, this makes the perfect gift for your dad, grandfather or uncle, who may be religiously inclined. If you know that they wear their birthstones, or the rudraksha, gift them something that signifies this. They will be extremely touched and it will certainly become one of their most cherished possessions!

Now that you have all the answers, (or at least, now that you have asked the right questions) far better equipped to pick a gift for a man. The important thing to remember always is that it is the thought that counts, over and above everything else. No matter how small your gift or large, if you think of him and like him when you purchase it, it will most likely become his most prized possession!

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